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Getting Started with Polar Plots


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Info: A very detailed polar plot example can be found in the DPlot_example1.prg example program, see SUB Dplot_polarplot.


If you want, for example, a polar plot of the equation Y=abs(sin(3*X)) similar to this:



We use the built-in function generator of DPlot like this:



... you'll likely find that you get a plot with linear X, linear Y scaling similar to this instead:




This is easily fixed by using the following commands:

Dummy=FNDplot_send_cmd("[Scale(8)]")             ! create polar plot

Dummy=FNDplot_send_cmd("[NumberFormat(0,8)]")   ! X axis = fractions of PI

Dummy=FNDplot_send_cmd("[ManualScale(,0,,1.2)]") ! manual scale