SUB Dplot_yesno_wid(Title$,Question$,But1$,But2$,INTEGER Btn,OPTIONAL INTEGER Defbut,REAL T_out)
! Displays a Basic Plus question dialog
! Input: Title$ = title of the dialog
! Questions$ = Full question, may include CRLF
! But1$ = Text of button 1
! But2$ = Text of button 2
! Defbut = Default button (optional)
! T_out = Timeout value (in seconds). If the user does not press a key
! until the timeout, the dialog will be closed
! Output: Btn = Number of the pressed button
! 0 = button 1, 1= button 2, -1 = timeout occurred
Dplot_yesno_wid displays a Basic Plus question dialog with Yes/No buttons.