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TAMS CDwriter Mkisofs Options Descriptions

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ApplicationID. This field can be used for any purpose as HP-UX ignores the information stored here.

PreparerID. Specifies a text string that will be written into the volume header. This should describe the author of the CD usually with a mailing address and telephone number. There is space for 128 characters. This parameter can also be set in the .mkisofsrc file with PREP=. The command line option takes precedence over the .mkisofsrc version.

PublisherID. Specifies a text string that will be written into the volume header. This should describe the publisher of the CD usually with a mailing address and telephone number. As above there is a 128 character limit and the parameter can be set in the .mkisofsrc file with the tag PUBL=.

VolumeID. This field can be used for any purpose as HP-UX ignores the contents.

Include all files. Include all files in the ISO9660 filesystem. Normally files that include the characters ?~? or ?#? will not be included as they are considered to be backup files generated by text editors.

Follow symbolic links. Follow symbolic links when generating the filesystem. When not using Rockridge the file pointed to by the link will be substituted. If Rockridge is enabled a symbolic link will be entered; otherwise symbolic links will be ignored.

Verbose mode. Generate more information while creating the filesystem.

Long filenames. Allow the full 32-character limit on filenames. Normally ISO9660 filenames will be in the 8.3 format compatible with MS-DOS although the ISO9660 standard allows for filenames up to 32 characters long. CDs made with this option enables will be difficult to use under MS-DOS.

Rockridge Extensions. Generate SUSP and RR records using the Rockridge protocol to further describe the files on the ISO9660 filesystem.

Rational Rockridge. This is like the Rockridge option, but file ownership and modes are set to values that are more useful. The UID and GID are set to zero, because they are usually only relevant on the authors system. All file read bits are set to true. If a files execute bit is set then set all execute bits so a file is globally executable. Similarly, directories will be globally searchable. All write bits are cleared. Any special mode bits are cleared as file locks are not relevant on read-only filesystems and set-uid/gid bits are undesirable for UID = zero or GID = zero.

Include TRANS.TBL. Generate a file TRANS.TBL in every directory. This file contains on non-Rockridge capable systems to establish the correct filenames. The file also contains major and minor mode information for block and character special files and each symlink has the name of the file given. On HP-UX 10.20 these files can be parsed by pfs_mount, see Appendix C.

Mixed case filenames. Allow mixed case filenames. This option implies long filenames. This option violates the standard ISO9660 behavior where filenames are converted to uppercase, but it works on most systems.

Multiple dots in filenames. Allow multiple dots in filenames. This option implies long filenames and violates the ISO9660 standard, but works on most systems.

Omit trailing period. ISO9660 filenames must contain at least one dot and ordinarily files with no dots will have a dot added to the end. This option inhibits this behavior, violating the ISO9660 standard but it works on most systems.

Use deep directories. Cause directories in the filesystem to be packed the same way they are in the original system. ISO9660 filesystems are supposed to relocate directories more than 6 levels deep. This option violates the ISO9660 standard but works on most systems.

Omit Version numbers. ISO9660 filenames have version numbers appended. This option inhibits this behavior, violating the ISO9660 standard but it works on most systems.

Include dot file. Allow filenames to begin with a dot. Usually a leading dot is replaced with an underscore to maintain MS-DOS compatibility.

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