DEF FNDplot_doc_save(INTEGER Doc_num,Filename$,OPTIONAL INTEGER Flags,Verbose)
! Saves an existing DPlot document as DPlot *.GRF/*.GRFZ file
! INPUT: Doc_num = Document number of open DPlot document to be saved
! File_name$ = File name (may include path) with file extension .GRF/.GRFZ
! Flags = Several flags
! 0: Overwrite existing file without warning
! 1: Ask for overwrite of existing file
! 2: Do not overwrite existing files
! Verbose = >0: show detailed runtime information
! Return value: = 1: no error. 0: error occured
FNDplot_doc_save saves an open DPlot document as a GRF file (Dplot standard document file) or GRFZ file (Compressed DPlot standard document) according to file name in variable Filename$). If you want to save other file formats please use the function FNDplot_f_save_as
An example of this function can be found in DPlot_example5.prg