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The example programs can't be started from the program group or the Explorer

This problem occurs if you try to run .prg files from a directory which contains spaces. This is due to an error in TransEra's setup routine which registers the .prg file extension. You can easily fix this as follows:

Open the Explorer
Go to menu entry "Tools -> Folder Options" (in German: "Extras -> Ordneroptionen")
Go to tab "File Types" (German: "Dateitypen")
Go to file type "PRG"
Click on "Advanced", then on "Edit..." (German: "Erweitert", "Bearbeiten...")
Now, in the edit box titled "Application used to perform action:" change the last entry %1 to "%1" (this means that you have to put %1 in double quotes) and click on OK

Now you should be able to double click .prg files from the Explorer