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Executing DPlot macro commands


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The plots can be manipulated using dozens of DPlot macro commands  (see DPlot help file and manual, chapter “Programmer’s Reference -> Executing DPlot commands from another application"), for example scaling, labels, colours and line thickness, grid etc. The DPlot macro commands can be sent to DPlot by using the HTBasic library function FNDplot_send_cmd.

Activating a specific DPlot document

Many DPlot macro commands work on the currently active DPlot document, so if you have more than one DPlot document open you may want to activate a specific DPlot document before you send your DPlot macro commands. The document number is the number you get back from the GRAPH-XT library when using the FNDplot_doc_new  or FNDplot_doc_open functions.

The following example activates the DPlot document number 3 for subsequent macro commands:

INTEGER Dummy,Doc_num






We want to define the x and y axis labels.
This can be done using the XAxisLabel macro command like this:


Dummy=FNDplot_send_cmd("[XAxisLabel(""x Label text"")]")

Dummy=FNDplot_send_cmd("[YAxisLabel(""y Label text"")]")


How one can set the first title line

Dummy=FNDplot_send_cmd("[Title1(""My diagram title"")]")


How to set the grid line types for major and minor grid lines:

Dummy=FNDplot_send_cmd("[GridLineType(1,1)]")   ! normal line

Dummy=FNDplot_send_cmd("[GridLineType(2,3)]")   ! dotted line


Commands may be issued in sequence or appended to each other.
For example, the following command string opens and prints a DPlot file entitled "TEST.GRF":
