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Interactive Mode


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Info: A very detailed example for real-time plots can be found in the DPlot_example8.prg example program, see SUB Dplot_xygraph2.

GRAPH-XT supports an Interactive Mode where the user can switch to the DPlot application and can adjust the diagram settings, labels and any other setting and then - after the settings have been made - switch back to HTBasic and display the updated diagram. The Interactive Mode might be handy if you want to change settings "by hand" using the mouse other than re-programming your HTBasic program every time you need sligthly different settings for labels etc.

The following command turns on Interactive Mode:

Dummy=FNDplot_winmode(3,1) ! enter Interactive Mode and show dialog box

The following command turns off Interactive Mode:

Dummy=FNDplot_winmode(1)   ! exit Interactive Mode